So - the divorced dater strikes again.
Last night I went to see a fantastically funny cabaret show at joes pub called No One Sleeps Alone! It was great. The premise is loosely that you are all at a workshop to promote this sex therapist's book. And it is participatory. Audience members are made to get up and kiss, play twister and give head to a strangers lap banana. All in all it was fun. Then there is an after party. At which I decided to be bold. And fueled by 3 vodka sodas and the support of a good friend- I asked a boy to dance.
Now, I use the word boy in the truest sense of the word. I am pretty sure this guy is a solid 10 years younger than me... Cute in that dorky young guy kind of way. And Sweet. And A decent kisser.
We danced and talked and made out on the dance floor for about 20 minutes. Then he took his very drunk friend home.
About an hour later I got a text. From him. Which was cute.
I kissed a boy and I liked it. It felt good.
We have a date - tomorrow- and I have to be honest. I am nervous. I am having a problem remembering how to manage expectations while dating. Either I am not interested at all (see previous posts about my first post divorce sex) or I'm thinking way too much. And my expectations run too high.
I think I was better at this 10 years ago- or maybe not. Right now this cute make out guy and I have lived out an entire dating cycle in my mind (we break up because of the age difference and the fact that I dont want any more kids).
When you only date one guy every 3 months it is tough to keep your expectations in check. Maybe that was the key. Not sure. Any serial darters want to weigh in?

Regardless I am Trying to live in the moment and say... I kissed a boy and I liked it-- and beyond that I just don't know.

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    A 30-something, slightly overweight, well-endowed divorceé mom who is rediscovering herself through her enjoyment of men and sex!


    May 2012
    April 2012