So- today I did something I have never done before. I drunk texted for sex...  I used to booty call and tonight I booty texted. It was crazy.

I was drunk- I said hey do you want random sex- he said yes but not tonight. I said. You'll have to wait two weeks because I am busy...
We shall see if the sex happens.  It is strange to have the power to do that right away...

Be aware I am about to digress:
What would have happened to Sex and the City if blogging was a platform that was usable for authors while Candace Bushnell was writing.  All those times Carrie Bradshaw  types into her handy dandy Mac - she then had to print it and bring it to a publisher-now she would just tweet those first sentences--the easer lines they used to explain what the episode was going to be about.  And history is made.

By the way I hate waiting for the late nite B train in NYC. But I love the fact that I just wrote a blog post while I did that. I said right away that a lot of this was not going to be pretty-- well this is the not pretty part.

On a side note- I ran into someone I know on the subway on the way home. Anyone who says New York is not a small town has never lived here. I run into people I know constantly. It is weird.

So - I will let you know how the sex text goes- I have to say- it was a powerful thing to do.

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    A 30-something, slightly overweight, well-endowed divorceé mom who is rediscovering herself through her enjoyment of men and sex!


    May 2012
    April 2012