So, I have been a bit remiss about posting lately. And I realize it is because there is a new baby in my life... The dog.
My daughter is turning 6 and has been begging for a dog since she could speak. So divorce guilt got the better of me- and we got a dog. Ostensibly for her birthday. The dog is hers-- BUT -- I feed her, walk her, bathe her and occasionally take her to work with me. But it's my daughter's dog. Obviously.
Anyhow- the dog has taken over a good portion of my life these days. Puppies need a lot of attention- in fact right now she is licking my face.
I would like to say that I am mad- having another thing to take care of... But it would be a lie. I love having something that wants to snuggle with me when I get home. Something that's there- even when my daughter isn't. Something that jumps around like a chicken without a head every time I get home.
Dating has not been as successful as I'd have liked. In fact- these days it is a bit of a bust. And I feel like the most stereotypical new York woman- walking around with my purse dog on a pink leash (that wa my daughters choice because it's her dog)- whining about how I'd like a man. But seriously- I'd like a man. One who knows that he won't be the center of my life right now. One who understands that I am powerful and interesting and focused and that makes me cooler- not something to be afraid of. And now, one who likes dogs. Because my dog you will meet- my kid is off limits - but her dog is always around.

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    A 30-something, slightly overweight, well-endowed divorceé mom who is rediscovering herself through her enjoyment of men and sex!


    May 2012
    April 2012