This dating things is tough-- especially when you are not really doing it much.  So- if you have read the rest of this blog you know, I am new to dating post divorce- had some casual sex a few weeks ago and am looking to repeat the experience.  Because I like sex... But, I have a 5 year old and a 6 month old chihuahua that I am up all night potty training (don't ask).  So I am essentially the epitome of a single mom. 

How do other people do this?  I get two nights a week "out"- at least one of them I usually have a work thing.  The other night I'd occasionally like to do something with a friend.  And sometimes I just want to be home, alone, with a glass of wine and bad tv...  How do women do this?  I just found myself texting someone that I'd like to try to make a spontaneous random sex date for 2 weeks from now!!!  That was the next available time I had.  Do other people try to get a sitter after their kids go to bed?  Is that slutty?  Do I care? 

I want to spend all the time I can with my daughter-- I never thought I would miss her as much as I do on the two days a week she is with her dad.  BUT I also want to have an adult life.  That's the balance right?  That's what you miss as s single parent.  It's about putting someone to bed at night and then having no one else to talk to but a 6month old chihuahua.  And no one to kiss- or to ravage! 

So what do you do?  Have you figured out a way to balance?  let me know-

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    A 30-something, slightly overweight, well-endowed divorceé mom who is rediscovering herself through her enjoyment of men and sex!


    May 2012
    April 2012